Saturday 14 June 2014

Happily United... in the World Cup Craze

Many of us would agree that sports also count as culture. They emphasize every country's particular tradition, and also what people value as supporters. However, very few manifestations bring people together like the FIFA World Cup. Traditionally speaking, once every four years, it looks like everyone is getting high on football, both as a patriotic manifestation to support their own country, and as a means to socialize with their friends over a beer and some high-adrenaline moments. 

Normally, I'm not that into football, and I must admit I haven't even watched the opening ceremony. Not to mention that Romania's national team has gone from bad to worse in the past years, and those who are old enough to remember Hagi's generation of the late '80s through the '90s will definitely know what I'm talking about. Therefore, my beloved Romania is out of the equation, but because I have two countries, I am supporting Italy. And I'm excited! And probably many other people who are not regular football fans are equally excited. It's about being in the middle of events, being on the edge, even if from a distance, loud like a vuvuzela, and hoping to become "Campioni del mondo". But those who have friends in various countries of the world would also be happy for their friends' national teams, if they won. Oh, well... Let's all concentrate, cross our fingers, clench our fists, and.... may the best team win! ;)

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