Saturday 19 January 2019

Gimme Something for the Brain!


      When I started this blog, just a little over five years ago, what I had in mind was to learn about cultures of the world, as well as my own, and share everything with my readers. Gradually, and according to what I noticed about the readers' preferences, I focused more on traveling rather than anything else, and on promoting Romanian culture, especially during the past year, to mark our 100th anniversary as a nation. 
       However, I felt the need for a change. Whilst remaining still focused on travel, I will also direct the attention toward other things as well, things that I believe would enrich our knowledge and help us get by in today's crazy and fast-paced world. 
       I don't know about yourselves or your environment, but recently I've been seeing lots of superficiality around me, and lots of stupidity (yes, I'm harsh, but you know me - I like to call a spade a 'spade') being glorified instead of being anihiliated. Maybe it's only in Romania? Maybe it's a generational thing? I'm thirsty for people who are educated, for people and organizations who endeavour to change society for the best, for things that are done right. I happen to come accross them, everytime I attend a cultural, business, academic, or non-governmental sector event, or when I watch a good TV programme. But these moments and activites should rather be the rule, not the exception. 
   Ok, we all have our 'frivolous' moments and concerns (I do too), but we cannot let them occupy the majority of our thoughts and actions. Therefore, my 2019 promise for my readers is that I will share whatever I believe that benefits people, myself as well as those who think like me. I will try not to focus only on Romania, but that depends also on my possibility and time to travel this year. Because we are more needy than ever for positive models, whatever it is that we do for a living. Let's start our quest with this purpose! ;)

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