Saturday 14 November 2015

Paris Terrorist Attacks: Who Is to Blame?

   We all know what happened last night in Paris, and we are all under shock. Less than a year later, what happened at the Charlie Hebdo headquarters proved itself to be just an introduction to a violent episode of a much larger scale, with a much bigger number of victims. I couldn't help but remember episodes such as September 11th 2001 in New York, the train bombings of Madrid in 2004, or the underground bombings in London in 2005. And it makes me wonder... why are some countries more exposed, or more targetted than others? 
     Amongst several comments, I read somewhere something along the lines of: "So, you wanted integration of immigrants? There you go, now have it!" Which, taken as a concept in itself, I deem totally unfair. We live in a globalized world, whether we like it or not. People move to different countries from their country of birth on a daily basis and in all directions. Multicultural environments are becoming more and more the norm, rather than exceptions. Heck, I've been an immigrant myself, and I met many other very peaceful immigrants. 
     Are certain religions causing more evil than others? Well, given the fact that many mass murders took place on non-religious bases, I wouldn't bet all my money on it.  However, it is religious fanatism that is harmful. Yes, muslims stand out more than other religions, especially because of the past episodes of terrorism which I mentioned before, be they claimed by Al-Qaeda or ISIS. However, I also have many muslim friends and aquaintances whose moral quality cannot be denied. 
      What should be done, in your opinion? A more strict control of immigrant inflows, possibly over an extended time frame? Undercover control of immigrant communities? How should we separate the good from the evil, in order to protect our own countries, but also to make sure nobody gets unfairly labelled or discriminated? 
       One of those posts which has more questions than answers. But I do need your opinions. May the victims of this attack rest in peace, as well as the victims of other similar episodes of violence around the world, and let's just take some time to reflect on what could be done in order for these things not to happen again. 

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