Wednesday 26 August 2015

Immigrants Alert in Europe: to Panic or Not to Panic?


   Lately this has been one of the major topics on the news. Masses of immigrants coming mostly from Northern African countries and the Middle East are increasingly flowing towards Southern, Central and Eastern Europe by sea. I'm not only talking about Italy, which has been confronting itself with this problem for many years now, but lately Greece has also been a country of destination, not to mention that EU countries with lower-level immigration rates (at least from those parts of the world) such as Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic and Slovakia may be expected to open their borders towards them. 
         Should we panic or should we not? Do you see it as a danger, or as an unavoidable aspect of globalization and a consequence of violent events in those parts of the world? Let's keep in mind that many of those people are indeed escaping dangerous situations in their countries, and nobody would cross the sea in such risky conditions for pleasure. 
           On the other hand, what happens after they get to European countries? Are they all good, or are some of them aiming to do wrong in their new host country? Is there a way to keep things under control, to everyone's advantage? Will they be able to integrate themselves in society? Will they be able to work and make a living, or will the hosting state support them?
             Too many questions, no clear answers. What would you do if you were in charge of the situation in your own country? As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a fast answer. It is a complex issue and it must be well thought of, from all points of view. But I'm very curious how it will turn out. 

(photo: The Telegraph)

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