Sunday 22 February 2015

Immigration and Offensive Stereotypes - a Case against British Broadcaster Channel 4

      As it looks like, the beginning of this year really seems to be about culture and identity in relation to the media. This time, the gaffe was made by British television channel Channel 4, which recently produced the documentary series "The Romanians Are Coming". The end of the year 2013 marked the abolishment of all restrictions on the immigration procedures for Romanian and Bulgarian citizens in the European Union, the United Kingdom included.  Consequently, this translated into a higher exodus of Romanian migrants towards the UK. 
     Shock! Horror! Panic! Should the Brits be scared or not? Well, according to Channel 4's documentary, they should. The producers decided to present Romanians as some sort of low value people, of bad manners and poor social skills, and also with criminal records. Now, I am not saying that these people do not exist, but they are certainly not the majority, and most surely they are not what Romania and Romanians are all about. 
     While I was living in the UK, most of the people I met there were fundamentally good people. However, in many cases I have to admit that their knowledge about other countries and cultures left a lot to be desired, with the exception of intellectuals. Some of them were willing to learn more. But some of them were often asking questions such as "Do you have showers in Romania?" or "Are there universities in Romania? Ah, there are? And why did you come here?" All true stories, by the way. 
       But is it not a vicious circle? Stereoptypes and erroneous knowledge are fed by the media, and the average person would take it at face value, without being minimally interested to verify what they are being fed. And who suffers the most?  Of course, those highly-qualified, upper-class Romanians who have come to the UK in order to complete their studies or build a career. 
         As for Channel 4, I remember that even during my stay there, at the beginning of the years 2000, they have made some similarly outrageous documentaries, which we were apalled by. Now, to be honest, such media "professionals" could do some thorough research if they wanted to. They surely have the means, and it is their job. But they do not want to. As a journalistic term says, "bad news is good news". Why not create scandal? Plus, what can you expect from a channel which produces tacky shows such as Big Brother? How desperate should Channel 4 be in order to go to such lengths and insult an enitre nation, for the sake of attracting audience? 
             Action was taken by the Romanian Ambassador in the UK through an open letter to the producers, and also by the Romanian population through an online petition. What was being requested was either a positive and negative balanced approached, either to stop broadcasting the documentary. And this afternoon a peaceful protest will take place by Romanian immigrants at the Channel 4 headquarters. At least if they reached the expected result! 
             As for my British friends and aquaintances, I know they are able to learn, and to develop curiosity. Then, why not find out the truth about other cultures, and fight against stereotyping? The media is not the most ideal platform for developping that knowldege, so why not start packing and take a nice holiday in our BEAUTIFUL Romania? :)

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