Friday 4 July 2014

The American Dream: Myth or Reality?


  As I'm writing this piece, the radio is actually playing... what else if not Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA", so the perfect soundtrack is in place! :) Historically speaking, on the 4th of July in 1776, the United States of America were formed, declaring their independence from the British Empire. 
    Let's fast-forward from the times of George Washington to the present day. Apart from being a huge economic, political and military power, the USA are definitely a controversial country, from many points of view, and I often get the impression that people either love them or hate them. 
   But what about the cultural point of view? Being a relatively new country compared to the ancient civilizations of Europe or Asia, I would describe American culture as the culture of glamour and modernity, and of popular culture more than anything else. 
   I have never been to the States... or at least not yet. However, all my friends, family members and aquaintances who have been there only had good things to say. And still, compared to many other countries, the huge quanitity of popular culture that they exported and that we all consumed gave us a pretty detailed insight of American society. The USA gave us the Hollywood movies and their stars, from the classics of the 40s' and 50s' to today's blockbusters packed with visual effects. The USA gave us music legends such as Michael Jackson and Madonna, and the rock-chick inside me would also add the likes of Bon Jovi, Aerosmith and Guns'N Roses to the playlist. Last but not least, the USA gave us the TV series we grew up with on a daily basis. In the early 1990s' in Romania, everyone in the family, from children to grandparents were watching "Dallas" together. And later, we saw the arrival of teenagers' favourites "Beverly Hills 90210" and "Baywatch". 
     Putting all these things together, an image of an entire society could be created. In a way, I believe that was actually the American Dream: a world where everything sweeps you off your feet, a world of the highly successful, of wealthy businessmen working for big corporations, of beautiful and glamorous people with perfect lives, a youth where love and fun were on the top spot, and the famous houses with swimming pool. :)
     Many of us grew up loving the American society, and looking at it as a lifestyle role model. Are all these things real, or just a projected image? Is the so-called American Dream just a dream sold to foreigners?  Or being the best of the best is actually their way of life, and their major purpose? I think I will find out only when I get there, and I promise someday I will. In the meantime, let's wish our American friends a happy 4th of July! 

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